VERY LOW CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY # 198! INNOVATIVE WORLD FIRST COINING TECHNOLOGY! The multifaceted grizzly bear head coin features an ingenious approach to coin design. EHR is defined by an impressive relief that reaches to around 6millimetres on a coin of only 36 millimeters in diameter and 1 oz. Ultra-high relief coins barely reach 2 millimeters of height and standard relief coins remain almost flat in comparison. The grizzly bear head’s multiple facets, composed of 498 polygons, are crafted in proof finish to reflect light from various angles. The result is a coin that sparkles like a diamond. The highest quality proof finish combined with the EHR technique gives it an unequaled brilliance and sharpness. The exceptional three-dimensionality of extraordinarily high relief allows the grizzly bear head to elevate mere embossing to a sculpture faithful to the anatomical proportions of an actual bear head. The engravers had to adapt their normal coin modeling procedures, CNC machining strategies and tool polishing methods to accommodate such an extreme relief. Limited to 2,500 coins worldwide. SECOND IN RCM’S THREE COIN SERIES! Every coin features an animal head (wolf, grizzly bear, and lynx) in a new multifaceted EHR minting technique. 99.99% pure silver.