Our team analyzes and examines every item we post for sale to guarantee the item you receive is 100% authentic. We price competitively and fair with every item we list for sale. Some items will have offers on so please feel free to send one! However a lot of items will not have offers on due to how close we work on margins and how competitive we try to be. We will always try to work with you if possible. Fairness and moving product is a cornerstone to how we operate! If there ever is a problem with an item we happily honor a. All we ask is please help us understand the reason for the return. We aren’t just here to make a sale, we want to make relationships and help new and veteran collectors learn. We also love to learn so please always reach out about any item you see here and feel free to ask away. Each lot contains 10 Silver 50 Cent Coins – dates are chosen at random. Condition may be a mix of circulated and uncirculated coins depending on what is in stock at the time Of purchasing. 800 silver in half dollars.