All items are Live on hand with No PreSales. We depend on ratings and for any reason you cannot. We have a variety of items and if you do see it please reach out to us. We are direct to Mint with most companies and we expect the same. Results as you do. Inspect the product and only offer the best. Stock photos will be used in most listing and expect the same coin. With multiples offered in several listing, We cannot give exact COA #s. 88 x 88 mm. Black Light Flashlight Included, UV Effect. DO NOT SHARE IMAGING AS THIS PRODUCT IS UNDER EMBARGO UNTIL 10/3. Before dawn on the morning of January 1, 1970, a nurse at a hospital in Duncan, B. Opened the curtain in a patient’s room. What she saw next is depicted on the Royal Canadian Mint’s sixth Canada’s Unexplained Phenomena coin. The nurse described seeing a large saucer-shaped, glass-domed craft. Inside the object, which was estimated to be 50 feet (15 meters) in diameter and illuminated from the bottom, two male-like figures clad in dark cloth appeared to be standing in front of a large panel. Absorbed by the sight, the nurse studied both the craft and its occupants, until one of them reached down to grab hold of what appeared to be a lever. And the object quickly moved out of sight. This is the sixth coin in a popular series that brings you some of Canada’s most fascinating tales of unexplained phenomena, from strange sightings to close encounters. Includes a black light flashlight that activates the technology embedded on the coin’s reverse. In normal lighting conditions, the color over engraved reverse presents a view of the mysterious craft, but the bright lights are amplified when the black light paint technology is activated. On the coin’s obverse, the wormhole like pattern is a nod to the UFO theme on the reverse.